What Nigerians want comes from watching foreign TV and foreign media news channels and movies, Infact it is high time government banned these foreign influences.

The truth is Nigeria has never had a history of providing jobs for youths or for the teaming mass of unemployed loitering the streets.
Many of the jobs you see overseas have evolved over centuries, in the United States, delivering newspapers to front doors was the primary part time job of teenagers dating back centuries, so also postal and railway jobs and many other auxiliary jobs.
In contrast Nigeria, does not have many of these century old private institutional legacy jobs nor can you even see the ads in newspapers to respond until the advent of cell phone and Facebook within the last few years but these jobs are for adults.
The industrial revolution occurred in Europe over 200 years ago and sustained providing Europe with a laundry list of inter related cottage industries providing high skilled jobs requiring on the job training and not need degrees.
Again in stark contrast many of Nigeria’s industries did not grow organically with the supporting chain of industries to support each other and that is why many of Nigeria’s Assembly and prefabricated plants have collapsed when they cost of sourcing even screws from overseas becomes too prohibitive.
Ajaokuta is a prime example on an industry that cannot take off because it is a forced construct without the powerful motivational force of organic market demand.
It has not helped that Nigeria’s for lack of any other alternative have massed produced graduates with useless degrees from an assembly line of outdated universities that do not equip youth to be self employed nor is there a market need for them.
It is a flawed system with no light at the end of the tunnel as these graduates are prepared for Cush office jobs but many end up filling up positions they would have been employed in if these positions had evolved to professional vocations with licensing requirements. For instance you need to pass examinations and aptitude tests to be a security guard in the US.
We all wants jobs, but it is critically important to understand why there is massive unemployment in Nigeria today.
The reality is that the government has a terribly flawed policy towards addressing youth and general unemployment from miseducation and misdirection from copying advanced countries without tailoring its policies to its environment.
It’s not a Buhari issue, tackling unemployment in Nigeria requires a comprehensive overhaul of our thinking and definition of our peculiar unemployment situation before effective solutions can be enacted.
Nigerians must also understand they have transitioned from an agrarian economy to a semi modern economy without the requisite organic growth, the must not be fooled by the influx of technology that beclouds reasoning that we are above our primitive evolution once you leave fake facades in the cities and walk a few meters into the slums or villages.
By Terhemba Osuji


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