I salute UNN for this first revolutionary attempt to begin a discussion about this topic in Nigeria today, perhaps the first original theme of its kind.

Many Nigerians act so sophisticated, but deep down we are a bunch of primitive superstitious savages.

Nigerians go to church and mosques during the day, but we consult native doctors aka “juju” or medicine men at night. 

Bring a white male cock, bring me a tortoise, bring me white cloth, what is the name of your grandfather, swear an oath, etc

For instance Ngige received his “native” blessings to see him remain as minister today, go and try him and see the forces that will kee you, even Abacha imported native doctors from Bamako before the superior juju of mascara wearing Indians with red dots on their head superseded them, juju pass juju oh.

No one can die in tiv land without accusations that his mother or relatives or enemies conspired to kill them in the spirit world, deaths in the aftermath are traced to a deceased spirit securing revenge.

In my first visit to Benin, I noticed fetishes on the streets, the wizards and witches of the igbira almost killed Osibanjo in Kogi State and he only survived because of the potency of Yoruba juju.

Igbos are all knights and crusaders during the day at churches and night vigils swearing to defend Igbo land against Islam, some have even become JEWS, but at night we spend an inordinate amount of time consulting herbalists to destroy enemies and create and deposit fetishes in people’s compounds to block their progress. 

Other more sophisticated Nigerians will still tell you jokingly, but deep down they actually believe “your village people are calling you“ to your destruction.

The Ooni of Ife is a Christian, but his wife had to be bathed in the blood of certain animals and she had to hop across a path into the spirit world as part of the rituals to become his wife.

is the ababaku still alive and are you sure it was not a smokescreen as heads were collected by the side. I remember warnings to people in Lagos at one time to end activities and hurry home as headhunters were on the prowl to bury a chief in the 90’s. 

Who knows if it is head hunters on the prowl or Nigerians murdering themselves and harvesting kidneys and heart organs for resale that is confused as the prevalence of rituals. 

Our primitivity is why patients needing psychiatric drugs are abandoned as being possessed by evil spirits from their village and or taken to churches and mosques for prayers instead of to a mental hospital to balance their chemical levels. Nigerians will resist psychotic drugs out of ignorance.

The dominance of Christianity and the attendance of churches has drawn many native people away from native doctors, but they have moved their practices and superstitions to church.

Pastors have become the new native doctors and the congregation consult them not for penance or to confess, but to consult them about interceding for them in the satanic spirit world, and just like with our native beliefs the consult priests with the intention to kill those spirits and village people blocking their path to riches and prosperity.

The quickest way path to abundant sex in Nigeria is to become a priest and these conmen have taken advantage and now perform all kinds of weird sexual acts in church similar to some herbalists telling some people to go and bath naked in a pond at night at midnight or to walk naked through a forest to receive blessings.

Right now money rituals are so prevalent and primitive, underwear’s of females are now being used to steal their destiny and or used as rituals tantamount in translation from the old past of drinking an old woman’s urine to cure certain diseases or to sleep with a virgin for satanic deliverance.

Our women gasp all sophisticated and look like angels, but there are rising allegations that they cook soup with their menses to tie their husbands more strongly to them, so it should be no surprise in a reverse perfidy, that men have reversed the ritual.

The more I think about this conference, the more I believe we need to modify our curriculum to include the distinct subjects of: 

- witchcraft

- sorcery

- tribal religions 

- tribal medicine

- the occult

- disease education

- types of mental illnesses and diseases

- psychiatry

Since It is sacrilegious to ask Nigerians to give up Christianity, we need to increase the qualification of Imams and Priests at the pulpit. In fact not only must the have a first degree in a new Nigerian psychology degree the must have a degree in a combined psychiatry and theology degree before they should be allowed to preach.

No matter which way you look, it is quite clear, Nigerian education as presently constituted does not train Nigerians for their environment and it is time that we begin to address and educate ourselves about Nigerians.

I urge all of you to attend this revolutionary conference and stream it to all for a better less superstitious and less demonic Nigeria through the instrumentality of education 

By Terhemba Osuji


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