Re-Indoctrination Before Restructuring
Whenever you talk about poor governance, Nigerians always mention restructuring as the catch all panacea to fix all problems and issues. But very few Nigerians really know what type of restructuring is needed or how to secure this much needed restructuring in practice. Many believe restructuring is about returning to the regional government system predating 1966, and tagging on a few new regions, while others wish to retain the federalist state structure and others wish for tribal governments for each of Nigeria nearly 360 indigenous tribes. Others talk about super imposing a true federalist structures over whatever system but to ensure regional control of resources, most of that agitation seems to be driven by the south east and south-south zones sitting on crude oil reserves, followed by a devolution of items on the exclusive list to those new federalist units. Others see restructuring as repeal of the 1999 constitution in its entirety and fashioning a new constituti...