Rice and Border Closure Notes
The common reason adduced for the closure of the border is the protection of our rice industry and to force Nigerians to substitute foreign rice with local varieties. Two of the biggest flaws of the policy are: 1. Miscomprehension of the appetite of Nigerians for foreign rice and all things foreign. Nigerians talk a good game, but are hopelessly addicted to all things foreign including rice. The situation is so bad that some enterprising criminals are now mixing sorghum with local rice and selling them in foreign bags of rice and Nigerians are paying a premium. No one has time to wash rice like I observed growing up, you can wash rice and remove stones, but tell that to Nigerians, they will abuse you about how sophisticated they are. Bottom line unless the government has rock hard determination it remains to be seen how long Nigerians will tolerate feasting on local rice, despite all the noise. Nigerians are grounded in their idea of sophistication and taste and cannot be weaned o...