https://fb.watch/eG9aJsaLW6/ Nigeria is a complex country. This mob based on Native beliefs believes this man or wizard hypnotized this underage girl to keep her in his home. The brought him before the Emir or emirate council and carried out some procedures the believe would release the supposed spell he cast on this girl. If the police were not there this wizard may have been set ablaze like many suspected witches and abiku children are in Africa. Although the court is Islamic their actions have nothing to do with religion but all about Native beliefs being weaved into and confused with the practice of Islam. Before the invasion of Islam Hausa animism or Bori was and perhaps still is the native religion of Hausa people and it deals with spirit possession. It is not difficult to believe that other tribes would reach the same conclusion and resort to the same de-hypnotized process. We typically lump the whole north as Hausa or Fulani but they have many other minority ethnicities wi...